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Recalculating Capacity Calendars within Microsoft Dynamics NAV

Recalculating Capacity Calendars within Microsoft Dynamics NAV

Reading time: 1 - 2 minutes

At the beginning of the New Year, a regular issue reported to our Support Help Desk is the inability to raise and refresh production orders within Microsoft Dynamics NAV due to an Error when calculating forward.

A common step missed when changing over Calendars is calculating the Capacity on Work and Machine Centres. Although this is an easy step to miss, this will cause issues with planning and will not allow you to have Production Starting and Ending Dates in the missed period.

Below are the steps for calculating Work Centre Calendars, if you also use Machine Centres, the same steps will apply and should be calculated first before the Work Centres.

1. Open your Work Centre

2. Drop down on the Shop Calendar Code and ensure that this is populated

3. To recalculate the available capacity for work centres navigate to the Work Centre List and select Calculate Work Centre Calendar

4. Here enter a starting and ending date, leaving the Work Centre No. field blank to ensure that this process is run for all Work Centres

5. Once the process is run you can check that the Work Centres have updated by selecting Calendar and Show Matrix

You should then see the available capacity populated for all calculated Work Centres.