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Capitalising on the hottest trends in the Food industry with Dynamics Food

Capitalising on the hottest trends in the Food industry with Dynamics Food

Reading time: 2 - 4 minutes

You’ve heard the phrase about 1 million times over the last couple of days, so one more time won’t hurt: “It’s time for a New Year and new me”.

With the Christmas holidays dissipating into a distant memory, the guilt of scoffing our faces and drinking in excess is starting to trigger in the consciousness of the nation. The Food industry knows it and the two biggest campaigns leading the new health kick are ‘Dry January’ and ‘Veganuary’.

Dry January is a public health campaign urging people to abstain from alcohol for the month of January. As a result, Brewdog have pledged to offer refills on its alcohol-free beers throughout its global bar chain and Heineken have rolled out ‘January Dry Packs’ which feature 31 packs of non-alcoholic Heineken in an advent calendar type effort.

On the other hand, Veganuary is a non-profit organisation that encourages people to go vegan for the month of January. Again, leading names across the industry have responded, there is the Greggs vegan steak bake, KFC’s vegan burger, the first McDonalds vegan meal and many more.

According to the Grocer, sales of meat-free products shot up a massive £61.9m (18%) in the supermarkets alone last year and the CGA reported that sales of no and low alcohol drinks in the UK on-trade rose 48% to around £60m last year too.

Having the confidence to make the right decisions for your business

Fancy launching a vegan or alcohol-free product of your own? Hold your horses! Before you start, does your current business system give you the utmost confidence in the reporting and analysis of the financials in your business? If you’re relying on Excel or even worse paper… you might be plunging headfirst into losses rather than capitalising on the market.

When the things you can’t control change unexpectedly, such as the currency in which you buy raw materials (Brexit potentially), Dynamics Food will help you quickly workout the impact to your business. You need to know what products, orders and contracts are affected and how you can minimise the impact to your margins and cash flow. What’s the point of steering your business in an alternative direction with a loose grip on your current state of affairs?

Can you truthfully comply with the demands of your consumer?

If you decide to enter a phase of new product development to get your own vegan or alcohol-free product on the shelves of the supermarkets, it’s essential that you have full farm-to-fork traceability so you can trace the journey your food has taken.

The last thing you want is somebody to ring-up and say their ‘vegan’ product is contaminated with meat! If that does happen, you need to be prepared to hit the recall button and re-trace all your steps. A product recall will disrupt your operations and there is a risk of huge reputational damage if you don’t have a leg to stand on under the spotlight.

Managing traceability in Excel spreadsheets won’t cut the mustard. You can’t rely on a system that half of your company can access, and nobody can hand on heart claim they are looking at one unified version of the truth. Dynamics Food allows you to quickly identify all your raw materials batches and the equipment used to manage your finish products.

What would you rather do? Invest in the future of your business with Dynamics Food or risk losing your BRC accreditation with a dated system that frustrates the life out of you?

On Wednesday 11th March, we are hosting a Microsoft Teams webinar: “Has your business software passed its sell-by date in the Food industry?” between 10:00 and 11:30am. Make a change and take a step in the right direction by booking your place today!