Dynamics 365 Commercial Subscriptions Price Increase – What you Need to Know

Reading time: 2 - 4 minutes

Microsoft recently announced an update to commercial pricing on specific Dynamics 365 Apps which will kick in from 1st October 2024. Get up to speed with this increase and find out what's next.

In the Building Materials industry and want to provide better customer service, improve sales efficiency and grow profitability? Look no further than Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM

Reading time: 4 - 8 minutes

Are you working in the Building Materials industry but feel that your current Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system is stopping your business from growing?

Are you struggling to locate customer data and keep track of interactions?

Does your sales team waste time on procedures that could be streamlined? Do you find yourself duplicating opportunities for the same project?

Are you aware of the impact that samples can have on your sales opportunities?

Tracking emails from a shared inbox using the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Outlook App

Reading time: 2 - 4 minutes

As a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Power Platform consultant I have lost count of the different Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM solutions Tecman have delivered where there has been a question over using the Microsoft Outlook app to not only ‘track’ emails from a staff member’s mailbox but also the ability to do this from a shared mailbox. Examples of this might be @Sales/@Customerservice/@service/@info...the list is endless. 

Keeping your staff in the loop with in-app notifications for Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM

Reading time: 2 - 4 minutes

When we build a new Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM solution, customers coming from an environment that has used lots of email communication can quite rightly become nervous when it comes to removing the requirement for that method of communication. However, there is no need to be worried as, going forward, everything will be stored and managed within Dynamics 365 CRM.

Not just a name change for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Marketing

Reading time: 2 - 3 minutes

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Marketing has changed its name to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Insights – Journeys. Whilst not the snappiest of titles, it is bringing some interesting changes to the functionality and direction of the product itself.

Dynamics 365 Marketing is getting a new name, more functionality and a price increase

Reading time: 6 - 11 minutes

Grab a cuppa, maybe even a biscuit or snack of your choice, you’re going to need a few minutes for this one but it’s important.

Migrating Marketing List Members in Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM

Reading time: 3 - 6 minutes

Get a real-life example of how we've helped one customer migrate Marketing List members into Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM.

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