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Mon - Fri 8am - 6pm


Introductory seminars

Fast Tracked ERP for Distribution Success

Wednesday, 24th May 2023, 8:30am - 10:00am

Fed up with the limitations of your existing accounting system? But worried a new ERP/business software implementation is too much of an unknown – both in terms of cost and timescale? 

Discover Delivered! - our fixed price, fixed outcome, fixed timescale implementation method for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, specifically for growing distribution businesses. 

Our Delivered! implementation approach means you can be up and running with Dynamics 365 Business Central (across finance, order processing, purchasing, stock & warehouse management) in just 4 months - and all for a fixed price.  

It’s a proven software solution (it’s Microsoft, after all) from a partner with decades of experience of implementing ERP for distribution businesses just like yours. Plus you’ll know exactly what you’ll be getting right from the off. So say goodbye to the potential of a risky, over-budget ERP implementation and say hello to Delivered!